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Artemis Computing
web design, development, support

See what we are doing for A Fine Design

A Fine Design medley of screenshots

A Fine Design's website is a beautiful example of a responsive custom website which was created as a close collaboration between the owners and Artemis Computing.


A Fine Design's principal is Susan Gorter, a Seattle based interior decorator who specializes in window coverings and custom upholstery.

What... Where...

A Fine Design's website provides clients with news on current sales & promotions; an introduction to the principal, Susan; an overview of many of the products available, particularly Hunter Douglas blinds; some decorating ideas & tips; and several ways to connect.


The A Fine Design website was established in the mid 2000s and needed a redesign and expansion. Simultaneously we wanted to be able to leverage changes in sales and specials to keep the site fresh for both customers and generate regular updates for search ranking; and thus make maintenance do double-duty.

  1. We talked about Susan's goals for her site and how to achieve them. Susan was given ideas, options, and 'homework'.
  2. In addition to making a list of links to sites they loved or hated, Susan and Uko did a lot of the preliminary design work such as developing the sophisticated color scheme and even going so far as creating a mock-up for the home page as viewed on a laptop or a wide desktop or a laptop. We've been working together for many years, so when it was time to update the old site, after some discussion, they had a pretty good idea of how to prepare their content. After all, they are also designers, Uko, is also an illustrator, and they design all her marketing materials except that which comes from the manufacturers.
  3. They also put together over 90% of the raw materials, a great deal of which has to be precise in respect to product name and copyright, trademark, or registration, and an outline that was detailed enough; and they were flexible on the details when it came time for Diane to start implementing their design.
  4. Diane took the information, text and master photos, and with additional input from Susan and Uko during the design process, created a master that pretty closely matched their mockup plus. The 'plus' represents the addition of a dynamic menu system, and approximately five different page layout variations, all of which adjust their layout depending on whether someone is looking at a page with a full wide screen, a tablet, or a cell phone. Once the master was approved, she then filled in the pages, editing text as necessary, while Susan worked on some of the remaining content, such as product names and marks.
  5. To appreciate how A Fine Design's site responds to the different devices their customers use, and how it does it so much nicer than most other modern sites, you really have to view the interior pages on multiple devices at the same time; which you can mostly simulate with Google's resizer page. The Google resizer simulation tool does a decent job on more recent designs with some quirks. Those windows are fully functional "browsers" with limited functionality. You can actually navigate inside each of those windows, click on the links, and can play with 3 sizes at the same time or try different variations by switching to either desktop only or mobile only (it's fun).
  6. The website stays fresh naturally by updating the sale several times a year. It only takes a few simple steps (with a photo editor, html editor, and a css editor) and we can add a new window coverings sale or display Susan's dealer specials.
redesigned home page
redesigned home page
original home page
original home page
redesigned projects page
redesigned projects page
old products page
old products page

Drag the slider left or right to view more or less of the old or redesigned pages


We'd love to hear from you...

The easiest way to connect is via email. Our 'Contact' page has a handy form for sending Diane a message plus details for additional ways to connect.

Artemis Computing - 46 Village Way, Suite 168 - Port Ludlow WA 98365


Contact Artemis Computing


46 Village Way, Suite 168
Port Ludlow WA 98365


We'd love to hear from you.

Usually the easiest way to connect is via email. Use the following form to send a message.

* indicates required fields (there are only two)

your name*:
email address*:


to pay a statement:

  1. click on button;
    PayPal screen will come up
  2. type amount in item price box; click 'Continue'
  3. either login with your own PayPal account or click on "Pay with a debit or credit card" and follow the prompts.

If you are looking for help with the contact form, how about calling instead?